Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Progress By Leaps and Bounds

I realized today, that it has been over a week since my last post. Crazy how quickly time moves when you're in lab! Anyway, it is with much satisfaction that I get to report, I am on track to finish by the end of this term, maybe by the end of this week even!

Over the last couple of weekends, I have been tirelessly working on integrating a System on a Programmable Chip (SoPC) into my development board. This basically means that I have developed a CPU architecture that runs on my FPGA (I will post soon about this topic, in more detail). As of last night, I have redesigned my UI (Main Screen - v2, seen Below).

In this new version, I have separated Final Time from the Time Sheet, and expanded the number of recordable shots. Also, I increased the type and size of the font for readability. I have successfully loaded the new UI in the the on board flash memory and have been able to print text in the tables.

While I have done much more than just the CPU and UI in past week, I don't have a lot of time to go into detail at the moment. Plus, many final tweaks need to be made, so I will wait till I am done before posting too much about the software. What I can tell you is that I have the following working:
  • Start button
  • Gunshot detection
  • Timing between gunshots (with a mere 1/10th of second in between shots)
  • Text printing to the screen
  • Internal LED's controlled by external button
  • Buzzer
  • Power supply
I don't have much left and plan to stay in lab until it is done tomorrow (3/11). I have a bottle of champagne in the fridge awaiting my completion that I must not disappoint ;)

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