Well, it has been some time since I have looked at my blog, so it is with little surprise that I find no more comments or views than when I last left it. If ignored blogs could gather dust as ignored hobbies do, then my blog would be twice the spider web collector that my snowboards have become :( , but I digress. As I grow tired of my Unix lab and find myself losing steam in this late hour, thus delaying my Networks lab yet again, I find myself thinking about Senior Project. I have discussed my idea with many people, family and friends alike, and with every conversation I find myself leaving out detail and simply glossing over to keep from spending hours explaining it, again and again and again...
NO MORE, I proclaim! I have decided to keep a detailed log of my Senior Project doings (SP, from now on). Since I have been working and formulating for the last few weeks, we have much to discuss! In my blogs I plan to cover:
- Non-Technical things
- The basic concept of my SP (I will find a way to post my papers and presentations for everyone)
- A guide of the basic things I need to get done
- Information about the technologies that I will be using
2. Technical Stuff
- Details of the parts used (links to data sheets)
- Circuits I've built
- Code I'm using / developing (pseudo code at least)
- Testing information (results and whatnot)
In this journey that we are about to embark on, I will share every bit of gritty technical information, but I will try my best to explain it for all levels of readers. I also make no claims that I am a technical guru; it is important to remember that there is always someone better and worse than your or I, and that the best way for everyone to improve is by spreading the knowledge that each of us posses.
So with no further ado, I give you my SP!